by tman21 | Sep 5, 2022 | Oceanic, Scents, Uncategorized
A ride to heaven” when a soul travels on the earth’s plain. Reference to the horse of the Prophet’s companion of brilliance and light…We are carried by what the Divine gifts us at the speed He determines most importantly with the conviction of life force given unto...
by tman21 | Sep 5, 2022 | Aquatic, Floral, Uncategorized
Amethyst: Deeply connected to divine aroma and sense of never being lost. Knowing you can do all things through the Divine who strengthens you-The one who never looses a battleDiamond-Nothing can cut, destroy or break a diamond! This is who we are as the chosen of the...
by tman21 | Sep 5, 2022 | Scents, Uncategorized, Woody
The number 13 is often associated with inauspicious events,places,time and even people. Sadé J is born on the 13th so lifting the veil on this notion has not been easy. Journing through constantly being drawn back to the Divine’s purpose and plan set out for each...
by tman21 | Sep 5, 2022 | Floral, Oceanic, Uncategorized
Everytime I close my eyes I feel a deep appreciation for the blessings straight from the divine. The wins,loses, challenges, overcoming-The days he have gave me the formulas into scent… a form of fluid communication open to interpretation and opinionCommunication that...